Free Books
All About Eve - Starlit Sky series .5
Eve has always seen dead people, ever since she was little. She has always kept her gift hidden, even from her family. That is, until she uncovers a terrible secret from her past.
This is a prequel of sorts to Under A Starlit Sky. It is available included as part of Under a Starlit Sky, but also available as it's own FREE ebook at these retailers.

Of Concrete & Glass - poetry

We walk a fine line between the light and the dark...
This book contains poems about the beauty of nature: that of the natural world that surrounds us and the cities we live in, as well as human nature. This is contrasted with poems that deal with the heart of darkness that can be found in humanity, and the strange and shadowy aspects within society and ourselves.

The Dark and Shadowy Places

This book is a collection of short stories or ‘flash fiction’, inspired mostly by author Chuck Wendig's weekly writing challenges on his Terrible Minds blog. Most of the stories are based on these challenges and can be found on my short story blog, Under A Starlit Sky, with a few unpublished ones thrown in. Now, please, won't you journey into the dark and shadowy places?

All That Remains

A collection of 3 short post apocalyptic and fantasy stories
All That Remains - Amelia, a young woman who once thought herself damaged after an accident leaving her with a prosthetic leg and arm, realizes her imperfections are an advantage in a post-apocalyptic world
How You See The World - a young man realizes that fantasy really is reality
The ArcHive - Martin Knightsbridge lives underground in a city that is segregated depending on what part of ‘The Tree’ you were born. Born in The Roots, he has never been to ‘The Branches’. Where there’s a will...

Little Gods

A young demi-god and goddess find out that the world is being thrown into chaos and go on a mission to try and stop it.

From The Ashes - Starlit Sky series 1.5

In an alternate war-torn Victorian-era world, a young girl and her guardian seek the Emperor to ask him to stop the ten year civil war: A war between those who are for, and those who are against new technologies, and between the non-religious and those that still believe.
From The Ashes is a prelude to The Clockwork Universe.

The Jade Dragonfly and Other Stories

Four short mystery stories involving two Detectives, seasoned old-school Thomas McCloud, and fresh-faced, excitable young Johnny Lattley.

As I Lay Living: Thoughts on Grief and Death

A FREE ebook collection of articles on death, grief and impermanence published on the Elephant Journal website here.

Think. Feel. Be
This ebook is a FREE collection of Elephant Journal articles I’ve written about positive psychology or other kinds or aspects of psychology. It will be added to whenever I write more on Elephant Journal around the subject of Psychology. The articles can be found here